Monday, September 12, 2011

What I Miss

Alaska is breathtakingly beautiful.  And I have been pleasantly surprised with the variety of stores here.I love the variety of colors here, and the calm, steady weather.  Its SO green, not nasty brown and tan like everything in Arizona.  

There are definitely a few things that I miss about the "outside" aka the lower 48.  There are things I've been missing since I left for Arizona last June, and the list has only gotten longer here

1. Chipotle - you might think its silly I have a restaurant as my number one, but right now, chipotle sounds SO GOOD.  I miss those chips, and my burrito bowl.  wah.  All they have here is Qdoba, similar, but definitely not Chipotle.
2. Bath and Body Works.  Yes I can order online, but how in the world am I supposed to smell the new fall scents!?  I miss my 2 for 20 candles.
3. 70+ degree heat.  I guess I took living in the land of perpetual summer for granted.  I am super jealous of everyone with their 80 degree heat.  The hottest it was here was 70.  blah.
4. Hanging out with friends. 
5. Family get-togethers.  Birthdays, July 4th, Mothers/Fathers Day.
6. Good malls.  More choices. Tucson I miss you.  Mall of America, not so much, but those Tucson malls were great.  I actually really miss Tucson in general.  Oh, and Woodbury Lakes in Minnesoty. H&M, the Buckle, DSW so many stores I never realized I would REALLY miss. Its so sad haha :(

7. Dunn Bros Coffee, oh how I am missing my daily visits.  And working there.

8. The sun.  Yesterday we had a mostly clear, beautiful sunny day.  I realized it had been a while since I had ACTUALLY SEEN the sun.  I just closed my eyes and soaked it in.  Its always cloudy here.  And its only gonna get worse.
Look, you can see the sun on the hills!

9. Thunderstorms.  Kind of a weird thing to miss, but when you spend 22 years of your life experiencing them, its really strange to not ever have them.
10.  Thunder Mountain Community Church

 I'm not trying to complain, especially with 9/11 on my mind I am even more thankful for all I have, never-the-less, I do miss things.
Hope its nice where you are-


  1. I think that I would have to agree with 8/10 of those things...maybe 9 because I had never really thought about missing Thunderstorms, but now that I think about it, I miss the smell of a desert rain. Pretty much I miss everything you listed except the Dunn Brothers, although, it's a coffee shop, and I miss American coffee shops, so I guess I'm gonna have to say I miss 10/10 of the things on your list! And especially #10, and all the people that are a part of it. Hope you are enjoying your new home though :)

  2. Well... If it makes you feel any better, if I were to write a list of all the things I miss right now... Dave and Courtney Ball would be right at the top of the list. I think included in that would have to be Pinochle and Bruno Mars/Justin Beiber video sessions! We miss you and hope to see you sometime soon! -Angela-

  3. @Cara
    :) I hope this post didn't make you too sad! We have to appreciate this great far-away adventure we have :)

  4. @Philip Engle
    Ang- I almost made pinochle its own number :)
