Thursday, July 14, 2011


Currently making a big deal of this
Sprained toe :( boohoo.  I can't even tell you how many toes and fingers I have sprained.  During softball one year, I actually counted that I had 7 sprained knuckles at one time, and that was just from practice.  This injury was the result of me unintentionally kicking a ten pound dumbbell.  Yay me!  I usually get my toes caught on corners of walls and dressers and such, resulting in an avalanche of unintelligible screeches and moans.  I've never been one to swear, I don't even have to think about it, the words of pain that exit me are "mwaaaaggg" geeeeee" ughamamama".  Followed by silence, where I try to will the pain away.  I don't know why I am so clumsy.  Just yesterday, I was out for a jog ( ok, I mostly walked, but during this story I was actually jogging) and I rolled my ankle... ... on nothing.  The tendons and ligaments in my ankle just decided to stop working so I could try to continue jogging on my lower shin.  I have rolled my ankle three times now since we arrived in Alaska.  Once was right out the front door, and another at a gas station, where I proceeded to smash my arm in to the hood of a poor unsuspecting chevy blazer.  My shoulder still hasn't healed.  But enough whining!  I'm really not in much pain, but I do wonder how I haven't seriously hurt myself over the years.
Hope its nice (and pain-free) where you are!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Yup, second post of the day.  I can't help it.  I have to share this.

This woman constantly inspires me.  If I could strive to have any life (though I am more than happy with my own) it would be hers.  And if I could pick any superpower-it would be her voice.  I cried twice while watching that video.  She always has that affect on me.  Watching her, experiencing a small part of her life moves me deep down in my soul.  She expresses herself the way I yearn to.  She is a shining example of what it means to be an artist and is obviously fulfilling the amazing plan God wrote out for her. 
When I saw her live, I bawled my eyes out, unashamed, because she really is THAT talented.  Its refreshing. 
And she makes a darn good cleaning/unpacking playlist.

Is it nice where you are?

Its pretty great here.
We got our household goods!  Finally.
The movers came and went in less than 4 hours.  Everything seemed to be in good standing, there was a small ding on our entertainment center, but its from IKEA, so really, not a big deal.  We did have a little scare when we realized the packers had marked EVERYTHING with the letters s, r, go, d and etc.  They had marked all of our nearly-new furniture as scratched, rubbed, gouged and dented.  ALL of it.  Our furniture is all in perfect condition.  They did that so if they marked it up, it wasn't on them.  So shady and unprofessional.  I no longer think of them fondly.  Thankfully, we have yet to find anything else scratched, gouged or rubbed.  You live and learn I guess.  Don't trust moving guys.

I cannot express how happy I am to have real furniture.  I am beyond excited to have all my dishes and bake-ware.  I will be making croissants. very soon.

Well, maybe not too soon.  I have some unpacking to do.  It is amazing how many belongings we shoved into our last apartment (all 750 sq ft of it).  Even with everything as messy and cluttered as it is, its really not that bad, considering our living space has doubled in size.

Now this is pure heaven.  I missed that little loveseat, though it looks quite sad without its matching couch (which may be at the bottom of the Pacific ocean, we will never know).
We have been paying for cable for almost a week now, so it was good to plug in the TV and actually use it.  DVR and everything.  I'm taping so many movies already.

Its time to tackle that pile of boxes in the kitchen, wish me luck!
Hope its nice where you are!  Really, I do.