Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ho boy

Well its been a while.

My toe is still broken, though it only hurts if I walk around barefoot or if it get squished. Like when I try to sleep. I can't complain though, it hasn't interfered with my life really at all. I can still work out, which is good because I am really enjoying going to the gym. I will definitely post about my workout/gym love, as soon as I start seeing results ha!
Dave has been gone two and a half weeks now, and it hasn't really been as bad as I anticipated. I was only REALLY sad one day so far, I consider my stable mood to be a BIG blessing. I really do hate sleeping alone though.
My dear friend Chelsea visited for 5 days. I was fun to take her around to the Alaska sights. And it was nice to have someone in the house with me.

Yep. That's a big ol bullwinkle. He was just having lunch when we walked by in the park. Thankfully a man let us know where he was before we were surprised so we got some good pictures of the guy.
That is Flattop. The creativity of the name is not phenomenal, but at least its easy to remember.

Blueberries! How cute right? There was two moms and their kids picking bucketfulls when we were there, it would have totally been something my mom would have brought us to do. I plan on going back up there soon to pick a bunch!(Edit: Just looked these up and they are actually crowberries, not as sweet as blueberries but twice the vitamin C, and I hear they make a mean pie!)
Its beautiful, this new place I live.

Hope its nice where you are :)

1 comment:

  1. Im so glad to see you back on here!! I want to make a crowberry pie!!
